
A Contemplation

Written in the style of maturity.
and in the pain of two puffycheeks.

I've always penned my most fulfilling experience this past year as the less-than-two days I spent at Virginia Tech. But I do want to expound on that.

(While I stab my face with a sponge.)

Someone said, "the grass is always greener on the other side."

So had I resided at Virginia Tech and instead visited UVA, would I have fallen madly in love with the food and the trees? Granted, there must have been a rock band tournament at, let's say...West Main restaurant.

All I can say is, maybe.

What exactly was it?
I believe it was the brevity. I had a small frame of time with which to form an impression of everything. And it was in that frame of time that I could just forget and be whatever I wanted. And so I did. I didn't think about anyone or anything. It was just me, meeting new people, having fun, letting go.

Of course, it was you guys, too.
Certainly, UVA holds some personal, emotional attachments. But those are not so simple, so endlessly faithful.

Now, I am home. We are all home. A blend of everything good and bad. Unfortunately, I've watched each summer devolve. My fault, really. But that's life--that's aging, practically.

You can't go back

and you can't go to Blacksburg all the time.

So I must find my own place.

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