
29 years ago you ran down on one knee, asked her to be with you
29 years ago she said no,
you're not strong enough. You don't have the constitution.

You tore at your skin,
closed your everclear eyes
you tore out your backbone and
replaced it with a metal stem.
you tore out the things that once mattered
For 29 years you changed.

You saw her walking outside the diner
down the polaroid summer skyline,
billowing like a flower, forever young.
Her hand folded inside that of another man, one much like yourself.

"but remember those things you said," you say.
She laughs through her pearly teeth,
we were so young! Love meant nothing then.
I would have tired of you eventually.
Nothing could have saved us.

She glances back once before walking away--
"You seem well.
The years must have taught you many things."

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