
Brights and Darkens

What I find especially fascinating about many things in life is that they elicit relative emotions - music can be a null object in itself but the effect it has on other things is astounding ( I think that's far more powerful than anything that moves on an absolute scale). Something that has no real definition, but serves to define everything else.
That's why the arts are given so much credit for what they often do. We lead ourselves to believe their power.
Those who suffer from alexythimia (lack of emotion) may find nothing special in music (and thus not in anything else, really). Others will go wherever the music plays.

I have trouble
believing and believing in.
My brain turns away from every connection.
The synapses flirt with closeness.
The timid man takes the brights and darkens them
so that he may never see but never be blinded.
Afraid to climb for fear of falling,
afraid to sail for fear of drowning.

Life is much too long. All this waiting, all this observing.
If I let in the little things I notice to be beautiful, I'll be upset that I can't have it all.
There are things I'd like to say but TV dialogues often place these things in the mouths of the insane. I've gotta be careful with my words.

Our biological clocks must eventually de-sync. Scientifically speaking, an unlucky handful exists with an unlucky genetic variant. Those whose telomeres wear faster will find themselves growing old before the others.

Timeless, timeless sands, if you truly exist, darken the sky and fade the wrinkles in time.

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